We spend our life and energy defending our life rather than living it fully.
I bought this book as a way of expressing gratitude for Tara's podcasts, which helped me get through an Eeyorish spell last year.
* The book is a combination of description of monotonously presented, "before-after"-style case studies, Tara's commentary, and guidance on spiritual practice; the podcasts are mostly commentary and guidance.
* There's not much new material in the book for the person who has already been listening to the podcasts for a while, but it gives relatively more (still not much) insight into Tara's personal life, if that's what you're after.
* While I love the way her personality is perceptible in podcasts, the warm humour is nearly all lost in the book, and although I dutifully read it from start to finish, there were only two, maybe three, moments when I really 'connected' to what and how was being written.
If in doubt whether to read/ buy the book, I would advise you to start with podcasts first - you will find them here: https://www.tarabrach.com/talks-audio-video/