
I'm a GoodReads user testing new waters after the serious website changes. I mostly read fiction, usually Anglophone classics/ modern classics; I like nonfiction (mostly social and cultural history), good fantasy and graphic novels. For guilty pleasure, I read advice and how-to books. I made at least two reading resolutions recently; 1. read less, live more; 2. read books which give me more pleasure. I have poor filters, and books I find stylistically pleasing tend to be depressing, so I need to do something about that; if you think you know a book that is very well written, but won't make me weep, please drop me a line.

Style Statement: Live By Your Own Design

Style Statement: Live By Your Own Design - Carrie McCarthy, Danielle LaPorte Not really revelatory, but a good tool to realising what and why you like; the process was time- and energy-consuming; however, after about a year or two years of 'practicing' my style statement, I found it very constricting and decided it was making me unhappy.

Currently reading

Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald
Therese Anne Fowler
Zuleika Dobson
Max Beerbohm
How to Be a Victorian
Ruth Goodman